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Life Event Services
Through your big life changes, we are there for you every step of the way!
We'll handle all the details so you can concentrate on other things!

Available Services
​Relocation Assistance: Coordinate the moving company, providing moving packages (boxes, bubble wrap, tape, labels), packing & unpacking assistance, trash & recycling set up, and transferring utilities.
"At College" Services: Assisting parents while their child is at a local college. Anything from bringing them groceries to a birthday package and taking care of your child while you can't.
Bereavement Services: Arrange catering, prep meals for home, pick up mail, mow grass/shovel snow, transportation coordination for out-of-town relatives, provide reminder services for family, write thank you cards
New Baby Services: Did you or someone you know have a baby? We can help with around-the-house and errand services. This makes an excellent gift for someone!
Senior Services: Helping with day-to-day tasks and reminders, appointment scheduling, pet care, meal planning, and companionship.
Injury Recovery Assistance: Were you injured in an accident or recently had surgery? We can help with daily tasks, errands, transportation coordination, appointments, and meal prepping.
Medical Support Services: When sickness creeps up, and you or someone you know needs assistance, we are here for you! Our services can be an excellent gift for someone as well!
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